Once you are subject to a court order to garnish your income, is there any way to stop it? Well in simple terms, the answer is yes, and no. The most straightforward way is still to talk to the creditor and reach an agreement or consensus on the repayment of the debt. Continue reading
Stopping a wage garnishment
When the IRS initiates wage garnishment
We know that creditors can garnish someone’s wages via court orders, but what about if the creditor is the IRS? IRS wage garnishment is a garnishment that is initiated by the Internal Revenue Service for overdue and unpaid taxes. Continue reading
No need to worry about getting terminated over a garnishment
Many employees worry about their job when they are subjected to a wage garnishment order. Is the worry warranted? Well, from the standpoint of employer, a garnishment certainly means extra work for them, as they need to file the salary deduction and forward it to the party that issued the garnishment. Continue reading
The employer’s obligations during garnishment
When a garnishment has been issued, either by a government body or a court, a writ of garnishment will be sent to the employer of the person whose wages are to be garnished. The employer will then have to act in accordance with the state governing laws and respond to the notice. Continue reading
What you should know about child support garnishment
Child support garnishment or the process of withholding a portion of the other parent’s wages in order to help with the rearing of a child happens a lot more often these days than we may realize, since the number of single parents today has risen so much. Continue reading
How do you avoid wage garnishment?
Let’s face it; being subjected to a wage garnishment, sucks. There is nothing more deflating than knowing that your income for every month is going to be deducted, and it’s not good for anyone’s morale.
However, not getting garnished in the first place is the ideal situation, and there are steps you can take to minimize the chances of that even happening in the first place. Basically, it’s all about managing your debt efficiently, or better still, not getting into debt. It might seem simple enough, but there are millions of people out there currently in debt who would probably disagree!
In today’s article, we talk about what you can do to prevent yourself from being garnished.
What are the limits for garnishment?
If you have been subject to wage garnishment on a monthly basis, you know how financially burdensome it can be. In view of this, the US government has enacted certain laws to also protect the garnishee. These limits cap the deduction to a certain level, and are based upon two main guidelines or calculations.
These calculations are 1) the garnishment shall not exceed 25% of wages after tax deduction and 2) not exceeding the total amount of a weekly wage that is greater than 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage.
Garnishment limits take into account what the real disposable earnings of a person is, and this is after all the tax deductions. There is more on what constitutes disposable earnings, and we have detailed them at our latest page on wage garnishment limits.
Wage garnishment and student loans
For most of us, education is a must if you want to obtain better career prospects, and that means high school is not enough. But higher education is also costly (in fact, very costly these days), and that is why many people resort to obtaining student loans to further their studies. Continue reading
Can bankruptcy stop garnishment?
How does bankruptcy and wage garnishment tie in together? This happens when you have been subjected to a garnishment, and you could in fact declare yourself a bankrupt under Chapter 7, and stop the garnishment.
But then again, declaring yourself a bankrupt may be even worse than being garnished, as you will then be unable to do a lot of things as a bankrupt person. But it is still interesting to take a look at this option, and that is why we take a look at it in our latest article.
In certain cases, depending on the person’s financial situation, perhaps it might be better to declare bankruptcy and deflect all the creditors with such a step. Just remember to get all the advice you can get and think long and hard before you do this!
Seeking help when facing a wage garnishment
When facing a wage garnishment, it is likely that you would need outside help to get you through it. Being garnished can be quite a daunting prospect for many, if your income is going to be affected as a result. Many people will turn to attorneys and it’s a standard option, but it’s still worth knowing a few things before you take that step.
In our latest page, we’ve outlined some chief considerations when you are seeking external help in facing a garnishment of your income. This help extends to include other forms of garnishment like IRS wage garnishment, and common debt consolidation/settlement options.
Wage garnishment facts
Wage garnishment is in effect, the type of garnishment that you need to focus on, 90% of the time. For most people, garnishment happens when their wages get deducted each month to pay off the debts they owe, and it can be a serious matter.
When it comes to wage garnishment, avoiding it is probably your best bet. The courts are usually not sympathetic towards wage garnishees once they have ruled against you. That said, educating yourself on what your rights are and what legal redress you have at your disposal, is important.
Learn more about wage garnishment at our page.
What Types of Income Can Be Garnished?
Today, we look at what are the types of income that can be garnished. There is a catch – All these garnishment types are governed by the current federal garnishment laws, which as it stands, may not be compatible with some state laws.
We decided to give you a rundown of the different kinds of garnishment currently being practiced today – If your income is being garnished, what category does this belong to? And what can be done about it?
Welcome to the Garnishment Laws site
Dear reader, welcome to this site!
Wage garnishment (or garnishment of any kind) is always something that none of us would like to undergo, if possible. Besides the monetary loss, garnishment affects your reputation and makes it difficult for you to obtain bank loans, or even to open a bank account.
Educating yourself on garnishment in general, and the various garnishment laws as well, can help you to avoid garnishment, or at least, be better prepared on what to do when you have to undergo it.
Find more info on garnishment laws at our home page.